Here at The Hardwood Guys, a hardwood sanding and refinishing company of 20 years, I know firsthand the joys of having a furry friend around the house. Dogs, in particular, can be wonderful pets thanks to their playful personalities and unwavering loyalty.

However, I also understand the concerns of dog owners when it comes to protecting their hardwood floors. The truth is, our beloved pets can inadvertently scratch and damage even the toughest surfaces.
That's where PoloPlaz Primero comes in. This oil-based polyurethane finish is the ultimate defense against pet scratches, scuffs, stains, and premature wear from heavy foot traffic. Not only is it incredibly durable, but it also cures at a remarkable rate, allowing you to resume full use of your floor in just 72 hours.
Here's a pro tip: to prevent stop marks from your furry friend's paws, I highly recommend applying this finish to your hardwood surface. With PoloPlaz Primero, you can let your four-legged friend roam freely while enjoying the peace of mind that comes with knowing your floors are fully protected.
Video of Poloplaz Primero on Our Job Sites: